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Cockatoo season

Flying-foxes are the largest #flyingmammal in #Australia. They are #critical in ensuring the #survival of our great #AustralianEucalyptforests and the overall health of our #ecosystem. They are keystone #pollinators of the #Australianbush, #pollinatingflowers of over 50 #nativetrees. The pollen sticks to their #fur while they’re #feeding on the #nectar of #flowers, and then as they #fly off, they are able to pollinate many #trees over long distances.

#Flyingfoxes create new #forests by dispersing #seeds from the #fruit they eat. They are #vegetarians that forage on the fruit of over 50 #nativerainforesttrees and #vines. Their excellent vision and keen sense of smell helps them navigate their way over vast #landscapes. Each flying-fox can spread up to 60,000 seeds across a 50 kilometre stretch of #land in one night.

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