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  • Writer's pictureAvalon Karatau

Day 18: Mt. Franklin – Where Volcanoes Feud and Guides Get Confused

Ah, Mt. Franklin! A place where history runs as deep as the crater itself. Now, before you start thinking this is just another mountain, let me tell you, this bad boy used to be one angry volcano! Six or seven million years ago, the earth here wasn't just a gentle rolling plain—it was one hot, fiery mess. We're talking lava flows, eruptions, and the kind of drama that makes our Whoop Whoop Walk About team look like a bunch of calm, cool, collected adventurers (which, spoiler alert, we are not).

A Blast from the Past (Literally)

Around 470,000 years ago, Mt. Franklin decided it was time to make an entrance. It erupted in style, spewing ash, lava, and who knows what else, like a toddler throwing a tantrum. And if that wasn't enough, this temperamental mountain managed to keep things interesting by possibly erupting as late as 5,000 years ago! Now, I don't know about you, but I think that's a good reason to keep an eye on it, just in case it decides to have one more go.

But here’s the kicker—local Aboriginal people witnessed this volcanic outburst and enshrined it in their stories. Imagine trying to explain to your mates that the ground just belched fire and rocks. No wonder they turned it into legends that have survived to this day!

The Tale of Two Feuding Volcanoes

Speaking of legends, here’s one that’ll really light your fire: the story of two volcanic rivals—Tarrengower and Lalgambook (that’s Mt. Franklin to you and me). It’s like a classic Aussie standoff, only with more lava and fewer shrimp on the barbie.

Tarrengower, the big, wise old volcano, was content to sit back and watch the world go by. But young Lalgambook? He was full of hot air (literally) and decided to challenge the old fella. Smoke, ash, rocks—Lalgambook threw everything he had at Tarrengower, but the old volcano just chuckled and carried on. In the end, Lalgambook blew his top, and what was left of his temper can still be seen scattered across the landscape today.

So, what’s the moral of the story? Maybe it’s that wisdom comes with age. Or maybe it’s that when a mountain gives you attitude, you should probably duck.

Tackling Mt. Franklin—One Misstep at a Time

Now, here at Whoop Whoop Walk About, we like to live dangerously—or at least pretend to. So, when we tackle Mt. Franklin, we do it with all the gusto of a kangaroo on a trampoline. Strap on your boots, slap on a hat, and let’s see if we can find our way to the top without getting lost in the arboretum at the bottom. Yes, there are Californian Redwoods up there—because nothing says Aussie outback like a tree from the other side of the planet, right?

As you trek up the 450-meter tall cone, keep an eye out for those megacrysts of augite and orthoclase (fancy words for big, shiny rocks). And if you stumble upon ‘Lady Franklin,’ that’s just the unofficial name for a parasitic scoria mound. Sounds glamorous, doesn’t it?

And don’t worry about getting too close to the edge. After all, the last eruption was only 5,000 years ago. What’s the worst that could happen?

Join the Whoop Whoop Adventure

If you’re the kind of person who likes your tours with a side of laughter and a sprinkle of historical drama, then this is the adventure for you. Whether you’re here for the volcanic history or just to see if we actually know where we’re going (spoiler: we might not), you’ll leave with stories that’ll make your mates jealous.

Ready to take on Mt. Franklin?

Give us a call at 0402606481 or shoot an email to

Visit us at to book your spot on the next Whoop Whoop Walk About.

And remember, a little lava never hurt anyone... probably.

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