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Kooyang—season of eels

Late summer: Late January-late March

Kooyang is depicted by #eels, galaxia, #babyanimals, #mistletoe as well as eeling and #fishing.

This is the perfect time to take the #kids to your nearby lake to spot our #nativetreefrogs in the evening. You may see this #frog attached to your window pane at night, hunting for #flying #insects that are drawn to your lights. #SouthernBrownTreeFrogs are bug-eating ninjas that can leap and catch insects in mid-flight. They feed on #mosquitoes, #flies, small #crickets and #moths. The peak period for mating for Southern Brown Tree Frogs is late #winter to #early spring, though Southern Brown Tree Frogs can mate at any time of year when there is enough food and water,

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