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The Modern Australian Walkabout

A contemporary #Australian #walkabout is an immersive #Aboriginalculturalexperience for #travelers. with Craigmuir Lake House host Avalon as your guide, #visitors learn the #traditionalcustoms and #practices that kept the #Aboriginalcommunities alive in the wild.

The walk

Slink through #YortaYorta country where lessons about natural foods and medicines await. Visitors receive instruction in fire starting and #yabbycatching, along with an opportunity to tell their own story on the canvas of making a #TraditionDamper. Additionally, they are introduced to #Bushtucker, allowing visitors to sample this native #Australian treat. While once a rite of passage for boys, Whoop Whoop walkabouts are now windows into a #beautifulculture that everyone can experience.

Come try one out and be guided through #LotjpatjNatjanDanak. #WintonWetland and meet Nikki James a Yorta Yorta custonian.

Held only on Sundays at 10 am

24 hour Booking essential

Start at Craigmuir Lake House

Transport: small group of 4 people (private car)

Larger Groups maximum of 12 (must hire their own bus)

www, / feature packages

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